The label for circular companies
We evaluate the circular maturity of organisations with our assessment model
Circular Globe in four steps.

Step 1
Developing an understanding for a circular economy and reviewing the context of ones own organisation.

Step 2
Start creating a circular organisation. The Circular Globe Criteria Catalogue can serve as a framework for this.
- Purchase the Circular Globe Criteria (available in English and German - shop page currently only in German. Translations follow in early 2023)
- Trainings

Step 3
Book your Circular Globe assessment. Our experts evaluate your company according to the Circular Globe criteria and your organisation will receive a benchmarkable maturity score.

Step 4
Upon successful completion ot the assessment, your organisation will be eligible to communicate your efforts and achievements with the world through the Circular Globe Label.
Step 1
What defines a circular economy?
Step 2
The Circular Globe Criteria
(available in English and German - shop page currently only in German. Translations follow in early 2023)
Step 3
Assessment - this is how it works
Step 4
The Circular Globe Label
The assessment results in a score between 0 and 1000 points. Organisations with more than 400 points are eligible for a Circular Globe Label.
Three maturity levels are attainable for the label types "Organisation" and "Ecosystem". Displayed below is an example of these three levels for the Circular Globe "Ecosystem" Label.
400 points and above

600 points and above

800 points and above

Step 0 - this is where the journey begins
Get started today!
Contact us
Purchase the Circular Globe criteria catalogue
(available in English and German - shop page currently only in German. Translations follow in early 2023)

Receive clear and actionable measures with the Circular Globe criteria catalogue. This will help you to:
- save resources and reduce costs
- enhance your credibility within the topic of sustainability
- do what is right and support a future worth living
The 239 criteria within this catalogue ar the basis of our Circular Globe Label assessments.